Pump factory in fourth generation: Change in management at EDUR

After 27 years of successful management, Dr. Glenny and Dr. Jürgen Holdhof retire from the operational business at the end of the year and pass on the management to Frederike Holdhof and Thomas Naß.
The question of succession has thus been settled: Frederike Holdhof, granddaughter of the founder Eduard Redlien, becomes Managing Director for Sales and Research and Development in the new year. Thomas Naß, who has been the Commercial Director for many years, takes over responsibility for internal added value creation, IT and Human Resources. The pump factory thus remains in family hands and continues to rely on a dual leadership.
Since 1987 and 1985, Dr. Glenny Holdhof, born Redlien, and Dr. Jürgen Holdhof had been working for EDUR-Pumpenfabrik. In 1993, they moved up to the Management Board. Among the major milestones of their successful career are the positioning of EDUR as a niche supplier with technologically superior products and the development of international business. Digitalization became possible through a consistent establishment of digital processes throughout the company. In order to be able to achieve sustainable growth in the long term, the company moved to a new building in Kiel-Wellsee in 2014.
The farewell is not easy, but Dr. Glenny and Dr. Jürgen Holdhof are positive about the change in management: "We are passing on a healthy and seminal business to the next generation and are pleased to have found two successors, who will lead EDUR with competence, commitment and passion into the future." Both of them will remain with EDUR as shareholders.
Thomas Naß, who joined the company in 2000, and Frederike Holdhof, who entered the family business a few years ago, agree on the future direction of the pump factory: "Our business model will remain the same. We will continue to develop and produce individual pump solutions for interesting niche applications," says Thomas Naß. Frederike Holdhof continues: "The focus is still on our core applications and their technological development in order to open up or expand both national and international markets. The key will be to identify digitalization trends at an early stage and continue to use them successfully for our business model."
Photo above left to right:
Dr. Jürgen Holdhof, Dr. Glenny Holdhof, Frederike Holdhof, Thomas Naß