

Moving forward together

Already for many years, EDUR has got involved in various associations and chambers. Moreover, further partnerships have resulted, among other things, due to the close solidarity with the city of Kiel. An overview of our memberships and initiatives that we support can be found below:




The Mechanical Engineering Industry Association (VDMA) is Europe’s largest industrial association. It represents the interests of its members towards politics and society as well as the economy, science, authorities and media.

Star Pump Alliance

Star Pump Alliance

The Star Pump Alliance is an association of several medium-sized pump manufacturers aiming at facilitating pump users to select the right pump technology. The centrepiece of the online platform is the pump selector, which is a cross-manufacturer pump configurator.

Deutsch-Amerikanische Handelskammern

German American Chamber of Commerce

The mission of the German American Chamber of Commerce® of the Midwest (GACC Midwest) is to promote German-American business relations and to support trade and investment between Germany and the United States, especially the Midwest. For this purpose, the German American Chamber of Commerce offers German companies in the USA practice-oriented services for the market entry in the USA and more for member companies and non-members.

Deutsch-Schwedische Handelskammer

German-Swedish Chamber of Commerce

The German-Swedish Chamber of Commerce is the central link between the companies of both countries. It is equally active for German and Swedish companies, offering a wide range of services, starting from market entry to corporate law questions and accounting to tax law and marketing.

Schleswig-Holstein. Der echte Norden

Schleswig-Holstein. The real North

The partner program of “Schleswig-Holstein. The real North” is an association of Schleswig-Holstein companies and institutions, which are active as brand ambassadors for the business location. The common target is the enhanced perception of the state as an attractive business, working and residential location.

Unternehmensverband Kiel

Business Association Kiel

The Business Association Kiel (Unternehmensverband Kiel) is a voluntary pool of more than 360 companies from Kiel and the surrounding area and has the aim of representing the employment law and socio-political interests of its members in the region.

Kiel Institute for the World Economy

The Society for the Advancement of the Kiel Institute for the World Economy is an independent and non-profit association, set up to support the Kiel Institute in its mission. It supports the Kiel Institute as an internationally important economic research institute and as a think tank for global economic questions.

Gesellschaft für Betriebswirtschaft zu Kiel

Association for Business Economics in Kiel

The Association for Business Economics in Kiel e.V. (Gesellschaft für Betriebswirtschaft zu Kiel e.V.) is an institutionalised link of the university and serves the exchange between science and practice. Members include both professors and graduates of the Institute of Business Administration as well as professionals and executives from business and industry.

Allianz für Cyber-Sicherheit

The Allianz für Cyber-Sicherheit is Germany's largest initiative for more cyber security in industry. Following the motto "Networks protect networks," it offers up-to-date information on IT security, knowledge and experience exchange, and numerous formats for developing security skills. As participants, companies, associations and organizations benefit from the expertise and know-how of the initiative and its partners and can thus raise their level of IT protection.

Blue Competence

Blue Competence

Blue Competence is an initiative of the VDMA (German Mechanical and Plant Engineering Association) in order to promote sustainability in machine and plant engineering, but also to publicize sustainable solutions of the industry. With our partnership, we commit to comply with the twelve sustainability principles of machine and plant engineering.

Danke Freihandel

Danke Freihandel

"Danke, Freihandel" is an initiative of the Mechanical Engineering Industry Association e.V. (VDMA). In essence, it is about the many advantages and positive aspects of free trade, because free trade is indispensable for a free life. It forms the foundation for prosperity, peace, progress and a good economic situation.